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Tatemado Vol. 1 >> The Clay Fish << Workshop

Friends, last week we already had the first series of Open Fire Kitchen at Hotel Panamera.

Saturday Roberto Madero showed how to prepare a fish in leafs and other spices, wrapping it completely in clay, before the clod goes into the fire and gets covered by smoldering ashes. The most great thing about this technique of cooking is that the flavor remains trapped in the clay shell and the fish cooks in its own steam, while preserving all of its rich flavors and not being drowned out by unnecessary drippings. Next Sunday we will repeat the whole experience, except that the participants of the workshop will have the opportunity to prepare their own fish and later liberate it from the hot-hardened clay. I am very sure you would enjoy that a lot!

Let’s get our fingers dirty!

Sunday, 23rd January – 4:00 pm
Beach Palapas {at the fire-pit}

January 15

Tatemado Oceanfront Woodfire Dinner Vol. 1 >> The Clay Fish <<

January 28

Distrito gets cinematic