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Ex Machina

"Ex Machina' revolves around the pursuit of perfection and the value of humanity. To this end, the director has three characters meet in a secluded luxury villa. Oscar Isaac as an Internet billionaire, Domhnall Gleeson as a programming expert and Alicia Vikander as Ava.

When programmer Caleb wins a visit to the mysterious boss of his online company in the company lottery, he thinks he's getting a few days off. But boss Nathan, who lives in seclusion in a huge, modern villa in the middle of the mountains, has other plans for Caleb. He is to test a robot developed by Nathan and equipped with artificial intelligence to see whether it also has a consciousness. Soon a psychological duel begins, and not just between the men.

Screenwriter Alex Garland makes his directorial debut with this science fiction parable and directs it in an astonishingly mature and detached manner. He tells his story calmly, but beneath the surface the tension vibrates from the very beginning. The technical aspect of the story interests him only little, rather he tells of power and male fantasies and lures the viewer into the role of the voyeur. He is supported by a small but strong cast, first and foremost Oscar Isaac and Alicia Vikander.

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