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Dallas Buyers Club

Ron Woodroof is a man living in Texas in 1985. He drinks, does drugs and sleeps with women, a real alpha male. When he gets injured at work, he is brought to the hospital and as a procedure, they test his blood and when they get the result, they tell him that he has the HIV virus which causes AIDS. They tell him that he has 30 days to get his affairs in order. He doesn't believe them because like most people at the time, he thinks only homosexuals get the disease. When he gets worse, he learns of the drug AZT which can treat the disease. But it's not available to the public so he finds someone who works in a lab and pays him to provide him with it. But when he tells Woodroof he can't get it anymore, Woodroof needs it so he tells Woodroof of a doctor in Mexico who treats people with AIDS. Woodroof goes there and finds the doctor who treats him. After awhile, Woodroof is doing better. The doctor tells him that he doesn't use AZT because it only makes things worse, so he uses his own remedies. Woodroof decides to sell the doctors meds in the US which the medical community refuses to accept. He finds people who want it and business is booming. Eventually the government tries to stop him but he finds a way around them.

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April 20

The Chef’s Table

April 27

The Chef’s Table