Keep your morning routine

Yes, please!

There are few things in life as enjoyable as starting your day with that delicious treat. At Distrito, we love to spoil you, and while we know that some people like to roll right out of bed, get dressed, and head to the restaurant for a delicious breakfast, we also know that there are others who like to stay in their pijamas a little longer and enjoy the first rays of sunshine while they're in their feathers having a nice cup of coffee or tea.

For this reason, Distrito offers a daily coffee and tea service to the room from 8:00 am, so you can start your day the way you prefer and make your morning routine as pleasant as ever.

How it works: Simply note your wishes and preferences on the morning coffee flyer (see below) at the front desk during check-in and enjoy your fresh warm beverage at the morning hour.

Enjoy and feel home.


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